Travelling Back and Leaping Forward


Gliding through aquamarine waters, I land on a sweeping, yet intimate bay of golden sand. Looking up from its glistening particles, I observe through the silver fern trees, caressing the hillside with their fronds, the quietness of our tentvillage. Home to my Husband and I.

Our guests are settled in their pods awaiting the sunrise, their breakfast baskets placed on veranda.  The little village is a place of unruffled serenity and finally I have time to write. Peace and calm, providing a tranquil creative space, for my mind to start work and my husband to continue his web design.

Travel back to the present and I find myself sitting at kitchen table, writing this post as my Husband cooks, creates and tests out his Bombay potato wraps – a swift snack for our new street food venture kitsch foods a way to live here, and be there.

After taking our first few faltering steps or in reality a huge giant leap to achieve our dream of leaving our home country and building a tentvillage in NZ, we have returned.

picton harbourJan picton

With two teenage children – one wanting to live in the UK, one wanting to live away. We need to be here, yet want to be there. Both are important to our lives. Sharing in equal measure our love for them, with the desires we hold for ourselves.

We’ve sold our family home. Now we are nomads.

Committed to what we are attempting to achieve as individuals, a Couple and as Parents to an adult family.

At times I’m scared…

Night-time  mainly, when the cost of what we are attempting to achieve, niggles its way into my mind. My upbringing not the most conducive to risk taking – experiences in life, assuring in earlier times a desire to stay safe.

I find I’m re-writing my history, as much as creating my future.

Will I succeed in all I want to achieve. Eventually owning our very own tentvillage – built to our specific design on the  serene shores of the Marlborough Sounds.

I don’t know, but what if I didn’t even try – would that not be the scariest thing of all.

Janice Stringer

Love with a Chance of Drowning – A Memoir by Torre DeRocheThis post is part of the My Fearful Adventure series, which is celebrating the launch of Torre DeRoche’s debut book Love with a Chance of Drowning, a true adventure story about one girl’s leap into the deep end of her fears.

“Wow, what a book. Exciting. Dramatic. Honest. Torre DeRoche is an author to follow.” Australian Associated Press

“… a story about conquering the fears that keep you from living your dreams.”

“In her debut, DeRoche has penned such a beautiful, thrilling story you’ll have to remind yourself it’s not fiction.” Courier Mail

Find out more…

6 thoughts on “Travelling Back and Leaping Forward

  1. Wow, that’s a big leap of faith! Good for you. I agree, not trying would definitely be the scariest thing of all. And how many people don’t try?


    1. Hi Carmel, Thanks for your comment. It is a big leap, especially when you have a family as well – its not just you, you risk! But I wouldn’t have done it when my children were little – as a Parent it was important for me that they were brought up in a community, to experience both freedom and the spirit of communal living. Hence the tentvillage – my very own community of people! I’m really interested to see how you and Shawn get on. Take care… janice


    1. Thanks Mo,
      It’s how to make it all happen… I would like to think it comes down to hard work but I also think its in the lap of the Gods – as the old saying goes. janice 🙂


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