To See the World. To Find Each Other and to Feel. The Purpose of Life.

Christmas Cards

Christmas Day has come and gone and I’ve learnt a couple of things along the way this year.

The main thing is how in the UK, we seem to have lost that christmas feeling and maybe that’s because it is commercialisation which seems to steer us into the christmas period and out into the Boxing Day Sales, not love.

I’ve spoken before about christmas being both a tough and wonderful time for me. The toughness is in not having my parents alive and the wonderfulness is in engaging in relationship with my children as they grow and develop their own views, as they experience christmas from their respective ages and places within their lives and society.

Christmas reminds me of relationships lost and changed along the way but also of the endless possibilities to meet new people from around the world. It reminds me of what I want from my life and the importance of me, as a person being present in any role I take on.

This christmas especially it has shown me, how much I like to be around people, help people and build relationships and it has reminded me of how much I want to ‘write, travel and relax.’ A reminder I need to hear and to allow happen. Sometimes I need to get out of my own way and at other times I need to be the driving force.

It has reminded me of the importance of doing what you want in your life, no matter how challenging and it has reminded me to look for the signs the show up along the path.


It has shown me that love doesn’t have to be about relationship or continuously being with those people you feel that way about – and this I experienced on seeing family friends walking into the pub at lunchtime on christmas day. To see the smiling faces of little Chloe and Clayton, reminded me of the warm feeling I hold for them in my heart, the regard I have for the family and the enjoyment and pleasure that can be had when you listen, engage and remember to have fun with the kids.

Christmas time

To spend time with my best friend of 30 years, looking on awe in wonder at the developments in both our families and the gloriousness of seeing our children all full grown, then to spend time alone with my husband and children as dusk approached – enjoying our time together as a family was both a blessing and a gift.



Today all is change once again – our son is driving for six hours up to Blackpool, our daughter is stirring to ready herself for working through the Boxing Day sales and I look forward to opening the moss green cover of Elizabeth Gilbert’s historical novel, The Signature of All Things,Ā  spend some alone time with my husband before we smooch along to the cinema for our traditional Boxing Day movie (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.)

How has christmas been for you?

I’d love to know your thoughts…

4 thoughts on “To See the World. To Find Each Other and to Feel. The Purpose of Life.

  1. I love to hear the thoughts of others about Christmas. It seems I am always trying to define Christmas for myself as something more than the commercial train that scoops us all up. For me, it’s about family and connection. We were missing our daughter this year, but all in all, we made it into a simple and lovely social time! We are off to the lake for annual tradition of skating and Ice sailing. Enjoy your movie, Janice!


      1. Hi Janice,
        Ice Sailing is like a sail boat on three skates; one at the front and one on each side. You sit quite low to the ground and scoot over the ice, sometimes at quite high speed depending on the wind. I usually let those with more sailing experience handle the driving and just enjoy the ride!


  2. Ice sailing sounds wonder Kath, I wish I could try it. What does it involve? The movie was poignant, elegant and wonderful. A great boxing day movie šŸ™‚


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